
– for D

I am that soft-furred gentle-eyed prey
that makes the predator move to running.

I am the breeze that drifts through quiet nights
to twine through tree limbs and shadows.

I am the river that rolls silent and steady
as its deeper self carves away the rocks.

I am the bright pink streak of sky
riding the deep clouds in the last rays of light.

I am the gypsy angel of your song
concealed in the mist and the answer is yes.

I am the soft roll of current pulling you
into a vortex of bright light and water.

I am a light-voiced bird singing melodies
at the twilight start of morning.

I am flesh and blood and bone and mind.
I am eternal vapor and presence and hope.

I am a woman who hurts and hates and loves.

I am a prophetess, a seer. I am a poetess
who will write the truth of our story
in each sad and beautiful line.

6 thoughts on “Poetess

  1. I like the repetition. I’m not qualified to say if it works with repetition in this case, but to me sounds nice and the end is beautiful!


  2. Wonderful descriptions and powerful ending. I especially love the line “I am the breeze that drifts through quiet nights / to twine through tree limbs and shadows.” To twine through tree limbs and shadows… Fantastic! 🙂


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